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The 9th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics

Oct. 25-27, 2017 @ Daejeon, Korea

Registration fee

Fee: US$500 (non-student), US$300 (student) 


Those who register before the pre-registration due will receive admittance to banquet, welcome reception, and lunch. Only limited resources and seats may be available to those who register later or at the site. 


Foreign participants


 International wire-transfer to the following account                                                    OR               Pay by credit card now

  • Bank Name: WOORI BANK

  • Bank Addr.: 1585 Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Account Holder: Korea Advanced Insti

  • Account # : 270-003359-41-185

  • BIC/Swift Code : HVBKKRSEXXX




Domestic participants

  • Please register now and pay with a credit card at the conference site. "Pay Now" is not available for Korean participants.

  • Don't forget to register before the due to enjoy all the benefits and help us to make conference preparation more predictable !


You do not need to own a Paypal account. Please click here for step-by-step instruction for payment.

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291 Daehak-ro, Daejeon 34141, Rep. of Korea

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